Discovering the Depths of Pure Awareness

Today we are discovering the Depths of Pure awareness with the help of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. “Pure awareness is just seeing, itself; although pure, it usually appears to operate through the perceiving mind.” This profound statement from the Patanjali Yoga Sutras opens a doorway to discovering the depths of pure awareness. Let’s explore this and other sentences from the Sutras to uncover the layers of reality and illusion that shape our perception.

The Perceiving Mind and Pure Awareness

“Pure awareness is just seeing, itself; although pure, it usually appears to operate through the perceiving mind.”

Pure awareness refers to the state of being that simply observes, without any filters or biases. This awareness is inherently pure and untainted by the mind’s interpretations. However, in our everyday experience, this pure awareness often seems to function through our mind, which colors our perceptions with thoughts, emotions, and judgments.

A quote about Pure Awareness

The Phenomenal World Revealing Truth

“In essence, the phenomenal world exists to reveal this truth.”

The world around us, with all its events and experiences, is designed to help us understand and realize the nature of pure awareness. The ups and downs of life, the challenges and joys, all serve as opportunities to uncover this deeper truth about our existence.

The Common Reality for All

“Once that happens, the phenomenal world no longer appears as such; it continues to exist as a common reality for everyone else, though.”

When one realizes the truth of pure awareness, the world no longer seems as it did before. This new understanding changes one’s perception, but the world continues to appear the same to everyone else who has not had this realization. The common reality remains, but the enlightened individual sees beyond its surface.

The Illusion of Indivisibility

“It is by virtue of the apparent indivisibility of the phenomenal world and pure awareness that the former seems to possess the latter’s powers.”

The phenomenal world appears to be inseparable from pure awareness, leading us to mistakenly attribute the powers of awareness to the world itself. This illusion makes it seem like the world has the same qualities as our pure, observing consciousness.

The Cause of Misperception

“Not seeing things as they are is the cause of this phenomenon.”

The root of this illusion lies in our inability to see things as they truly are. Our perceptions are clouded by ignorance and misunderstanding, preventing us from recognizing the distinction between pure awareness and the phenomena it perceives.

Realization and Liberation

“With realization, the appearance of indivisibility vanishes, revealing that awareness is free and untouched by phenomena.”

When we achieve true realization, the false appearance of indivisibility between awareness and the world disappears. We come to understand that pure awareness remains unaffected by the external phenomena it observes. This realization frees us from the illusions that bind us.

Cultivating Discrimination

“The apparent indivisibility of seeing and the seen can be eradicated by cultivating uninterrupted discrimination between awareness and what it regards.”

To overcome the illusion, we must develop the ability to continuously and clearly distinguish between pure awareness and the objects of its perception. This practice of discrimination helps us maintain clarity and avoid confusing the two.

Achieving Ultimate Wisdom

“At the ultimate level of discrimination, wisdom extends to all seven aspects of nature.”

When our discrimination is perfected, we attain a deep wisdom that encompasses all aspects of existence. This ultimate wisdom allows us to fully understand the interconnectedness and nature of reality, leading to profound spiritual insights.

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