How Our Actions Shape Our Lives

In the ancient texts of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, we find profound wisdom about how our actions shape our lives. One important passage explains: “This life will be marked by delight or anguish, in proportion to those good or bad actions that created its store of latent impressions.” Let’s break down this sentence to understand how our current life is shaped by our deeds.

Life Marked by Joy or Suffering

The first part of the sentence, “This life will be marked by delight or anguish,” refers to the current life we are experiencing. Our life is characterized by moments of joy and happiness (delight) or pain and suffering (anguish). This variation in our experiences is directly related to our own actions and choices.

The Relationship Between Actions and Experiences

The words “in proportion to those good or bad actions” emphasize that there is a direct relationship between the nature of our actions and the experiences we encounter in our lives. Good actions, such as compassion, honesty, and love, contribute to positive experiences. Bad actions, such as cruelty, deceit, and hatred, lead to negative experiences. This principle of cause and effect is the core of the karmic system.

The Store of Latent Impressions

The sentence continues with “that created its store of latent impressions,” referring to the samskaras created by our actions. Samskaras are deep-seated impressions stored in our subconscious that influence our future behavior and experiences. These impressions form a kind of mental and spiritual balance where all our deeds are recorded.

What Does This Mean for Our Lives?

Responsibility for Our Actions

These insights emphasize that we are responsible for the quality of our lives. By acting consciously and ethically, we can create joyful life. Bad actions, on the other hand, leave negative impressions that result in suffering.

The Concept of Karma

The principle of karma, explains how the consequences of our actions, both positive and negative, eventually return to us. This karmic system encourages us to carefully consider our actions and their potential consequences.

Understanding Samskaras

Samskaras help us understand that our current circumstances are the result of our previous actions and impressions. This awareness can motivate us to break negative patterns and work on purifying our consciousness through good deeds.


The Patanjali Yoga Sutras offer a profound insight into how our actions shape our lives. By understanding how our deeds leave positive or negative impressions that shape our future life, we can strive for a life filled with joy and spiritual growth.

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