Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah: Taming the Mind

Ah, fellow yogis, let’s delve into the very heart of yoga itself, as laid out in the ancient Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: “Yoga chitta vritti nirodhah.”

Now, this isn’t just some dusty philosophical phrase. This is a practical guide that can transform your yoga practice, and your life! Let’s unpack this gem together.

Image with the text Yoga chitta vritti nirodhah.

What it means

Firstly, “yoga” translates to “union”, hinting at the ultimate goal: uniting our individual spark with the universal flame. “Chitta” refers to the mind-stuff, that ever-shifting kaleidoscope of thoughts, emotions, and sensations. Imagine a monkey mind, swinging from branch to branch, that’s chitta in action! “Vritti” means “fluctuations” or “waves,” the constant dance of this mental monkey. Finally, “nirodhah” translates to “cessation” or “stilling.”

So, the sutra declares: “Yoga is stilling the fluctuations of the mind.”

Hold on

Hold on, this doesn’t mean shutting down your thoughts entirely. It’s about becoming the witness, not the participant, in the mind’s constant chatter. Think of a bustling marketplace, thoughts, worries, desires swirling around like energetic vendors. Yoga teaches us to stand at the center, aware of the activity, but not getting tangled up in it.

But, why?

Now, why would we want to still this mental monkey? Because the benefits are immense! When the mind settles, a profound shift occurs. We connect more deeply with our breath, our body, and the present moment. Life’s challenges become clearer, and we can approach them with a calm and steady mind. We begin to see things as they truly are.

But, how?

But how do we tame this monkey mind? The Yoga Sutras themselves offer the eight limbs of yoga, a guide for our yoga journey. Asanas (physical postures) build strength and focus, while pranayama (breathwork) calms the nervous system and sharpens awareness. Through meditation, we train our attention to stay present, observing thoughts without getting attached.


Imagine a still lake. When the surface is undisturbed, it reflects the world perfectly, the clear sky, the swaying trees, the vibrant flowers on the shore. But if a pebble is tossed in, the water ripples, distorting the reflection. Our mind is like that lake. When the vrittis, the mental fluctuations, are calmed, we experience true clarity. We see the world as it is, not through the distorted lens of our thoughts.

Remember this about Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah

Remember, yogis, this is a lifelong exploration. The mind is a crafty creature, and the vritti dance will resume. But with consistent practice, we become more skilled at stilling the mind, creating pockets of peace within the daily flow. This, my friends, is the true essence of yoga, the practice that leads us beyond the fluctuations, towards a place of inner union and lasting serenity.

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